Anti Haul 8 – What’s on my not to buy list

Ever felt like there was too much stuff to buy and not enough time or cash to buy and use it all? Me too. Come along with me while I try to talk myself out of these things that I want. Maybe I’ll be able to help you too.

What is an Anti Haul?

You probably know what a haul is. It’s where someone shows you all the things they spent their money on. This is almost exactly the opposite of that. You sit down and think about what you want but you’re not going to buy, then make a video or a post about it.

There are many reasons for an anti haul, some of which are covered in the video itself. However, there are others.

The more you buy, the more waste is created. From the manufacture of the product to the packaging it’s shipped in, to the warehouse or to you. The actual product itself has to be produced too. All of these things have a cost to the environment.

Trends come and go all the time. Last year the silicone sponge was very much in but I rarely see people using it now. Do you need to follow?

Less Pressure
If you stop following trends then suddenly the pressure is off. Keeping up with the ‘Leisure Class’ can be exhausting and expensive. Not to mention it can be a time suck. When you can have a little more time to yourself and relax.

So what are you not going to buy?